
What a Weird Week

My pain levels have been all over the place this week. The strange thing is that I haven’t had a good day that gradually gets worse or a bad headache that slowly disappears. Instead I’ll have a low pain level and be cheerful, then I’ll start to feel worn out. The pain will shoot to a 6 or 7 within half an hour. A few hours later — after a nap, drugs and/or caffeine — the pain will drop and I’ll feel good again. Then the process will start over again.

The only “normal” headache day I had was Friday. I was OK when I first woke up, but was at a level of 6 within an hour. My head hurt all day, to the point that I couldn’t do much. I felt a little better after I napped, but it came back in the evening.

I think I also had a mild stomach bug plaguing me, so maybe that’s responsible for the strange pain cycles. Whatever the cause, I want it to stop. I can cope with being in pain all the time, but I expect it to be fairly predictable. This “I feel bad now, wait I feel OK, no my head is pounding again” thing has got to go.