
My Blog. My Content.

Although I call The Daily Headache my blog, it has never truly been mine. My original goal was to help others with headache disorders. I didn’t intend to write about myself and I feel selfish and self-centered when I do. While I consider my high level of empathy to be a positive trait, helping others usually takes precedent over my own needs. I’ve spent my adult life caring for others at the expense of myself. I’m beginning to rectify that.

I am claiming The Daily Headache as MINE. I’m done being a headache blogger solely focused on her audience. It is time for me to embrace the title of writer. A writer who happens to have chronic migraine, but who writes about whatever is on her mind. It may be that everything I have to say is headache-centric. Maybe not. We’ll have to see.

Readers, though my initial plan was to blog for you, I have received more than I have given. I still care about you, but have learned that I need to write for myself, not for you. I hope you stick around and enjoy The Daily Headache’s new incarnation.

I have no control over these crazy migraines, but I do have control over my career. Goodbye, headache blogger — Hello, WRITER.

Thanks to Sue for the perfect title to this post.