In honor of Invisible Illness Awareness Week, Invisible Illness will be the theme of September’s Headache Disorders & Migraine Blog Carnival, which I’m hosting here on September 8. Let us know your thoughts on having an invisible illness or respond to the 30 Things meme sponsored by Invisible Illness Awareness Week.
To join us, email the link to your post to kerrie[at]thedailyheadache[dot]com by 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on Friday, Sept. 5. Please include the following information with your submission:
(1) Your name as you would like it to appear in the carnival.
(2) The title of the blog post you’re submitting.
(3) The url of the blog post you’re submitting.
(4) The title of your blog.
(5) The url of your blog.
I’m looking forward to reading and sharing the submissions!