Chronic Migraine, Doctors, News & Research, Reader Stories, Treatment

Nerve Stimulation for Chronic Migraine

Thinking about trying a nerve stimulator to treat chronic migraine? Ask tons of questions beforehand to help ensure you’re making the most informed decision possible. I’ve brainstormed questions to ask your doctor, other patients, and even yourself in Nerve Stimulation: Questions to Ask, my latest post on You can learn about my experience with… Continue reading Nerve Stimulation for Chronic Migraine

Chronic Migraine, News & Research, Treatment

Reviewing the Research on Nerve Stimulation

Curious about nerve stimulation for chronic migraine and what the research has to say? For Nerve Stimulation Research, my latest post on, I pored over all the published research, hoping to summarize it neatly, but the findings are too ambiguous to do so. Instead, I explain some of the reasons why older published studies… Continue reading Reviewing the Research on Nerve Stimulation

News & Research, Treatment

Nerve Stimulation in the New York Times

Nerve stimulation, a treatment that’s tough to find information on, is the focus of It May Come as a Shock, an article from today’s New York Times. The article examines two main types of nerve stimulation for headache (occipital nerve stimulation and transcranial nerve stimulation) — what they are, the theories behind how they work… Continue reading Nerve Stimulation in the New York Times

News & Research, Treatment

Occipital Nerve Stimulation Study Findings

Mayo Clinic researchers reported findings of a small study of occipital nerve stimulation at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting in April. While the press release’s headline proclaims it to be a “safe and effective” treatment for chronic headache, the results aren’t so rosy. In fact, safety is never even mention in the release.… Continue reading Occipital Nerve Stimulation Study Findings