News & Research, Treatment

Nerve Stimulation in the New York Times

Nerve stimulation, a treatment that’s tough to find information on, is the focus of It May Come as a Shock, an article from today’s New York Times. The article examines two main types of nerve stimulation for headache (occipital nerve stimulation and transcranial nerve stimulation) — what they are, the theories behind how they work and what they may mean for future treatment.

This in-depth article is the most thorough, understandable and thoughtful one I’ve read on the topic. (And I have to admit that I’m pretty excited that I was quoted in it!) While this treatment is promising for some people with intractable headache, nerve stimulation is not a panacea.

To learn about my experience with an occipital nerve stimulator, see the nerve stimulator category. Specific posts that may be helpful include:

3 thoughts on “Nerve Stimulation in the New York Times”

  1. Kerrie, I am so proud of you. I mention your blog frequently to family and friends, and now you are famous! You are doing a world of good for those of us with intractable migraine.

  2. Someone else just forwarded the NYT article to me, so I had to come see if you’d posted about it. Not only is it great that you made the Times, it’s great that they keep featuring headache and migraine. Very cool.

    As good as it is for my ego, I’m thrilled that headaches are getting so much media attention. Anything that makes people realize how serious this illness is.


  3. Seems like a pretty big deal making the NY Times. Congrats! I suspect you will see a spike in the readership of your blog, which I think is a good thing. You impart a lot of information in a very personable manner.



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