Chronic Migraine, Society, Treatment

It’s Up to Us to Find a Cure: Please Donate to the 36 Million Migraine Campaign

  • Migraine is the third most common disorder on the planet.
  • It is the seventh highest cause of of disability globally.
  • It is by far the most disabling neurological condition.
  • 36 million Americans have migraine. Most have three or fewer attacks each month, but 3% have chronic migraine.
  • Migraine costs the United States more than $20 billion each year in direct medical expenses and indirect expenses, like missed work and lost productivity.
  • Less than 1/20th of 1% of the budget of the National Institutes of Health – about $16 million a year – is allocated to migraine research. $260 million would more accurately reflect the prevalence and magnitude of migraine.

If each of the 36 million people who have migraine donated just $1 each to migraine research, researchers could make enormous strides toward understanding and treating this disabling disorder. Imagine how much we could raise if all the people who love us also donated a $1. It’s not fair that we have to fund migraine research in addition to living with the burden of it, but if we don’t fund the search for a cure, no one will.

Please donate what you can to support the 36 Million Migraine campaign. Maybe you do so as a birthday gift to me as a thank you for how The Daily Headache has helped you, maybe it’s in honor of a loved one who triumphs over migraine every day, maybe it’s so your children or nieces and nephews won’t have a life devastated by migraine, maybe it’s for your own sake. Whatever the reason, please donate what you can to help find a cure for migraine.

Want to learn more? Visit the 36 Million Migraine website or read this informative brochure (PDF). That’s where the list of facts at the beginning of this post is from.

Thank you to everyone who has already donated through Crowdrise!

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